Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner claims to boost cetane. What is cetane and why is it important to boost it?
Cetane is the fuel property that is an inverse function to reduce fuel ignition delay.  A fuel treated with Gumout All-In-One Diesel, which contains a good ...
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:49 AM
Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner claims to increase lubricity. What is lubricity and why is it important to increase it?
Lubricity is the fuel property that lubricates the fuel injector and fuel pump to prevent wear in the diesel delivery system. A fuel treated with Gumout All...
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:50 AM
Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner claims to prevent gelling. What is gelling and why is it important to prevent it?
When cold, diesel fuel wax crystals can accumulate on fuel filters and restrict fuel flow and promote fuel starvation.  That will result in a loss of power,...
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:50 AM
Is it best to use Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner on a full tank or an empty one, or does it really matter?
It does not matter.  Just follow the treat rate in the Direction:  Use 8 ounces of Gumout All-In-One Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner to treat 20 gallons...
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:50 AM
Does Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner work with biodiesel fuel applications?
Yes, it does, up to B20.
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:51 AM
What is the biodiesel fuel treat rate for Gumout® All-In-One® Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner?
Use 8 ounces of Gumout All-In-One Diesel Complete Fuel System Cleaner to treat 20 gallons. Use 16ounces to treat 40 gallons. Use 32 ounces (one full bottle)...
Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 at 6:52 AM